Their liquid droppings also smell, and can stain fabrics, furniture, and flooring when there’s enough of it. Boxelders may secrete a foul-smelling odor when threatened or crushed. That’s not to say you shouldn’t consider them pests. In fact, boxelders generally leave the homes they slept in once winter is over! Even acer trees aren’t affected by their constant feeding.

They don’t do structural damage, they’re not aggressive or dangerous, they don’t reproduce indoors, and they don’t infest food sources or clothing. Problems Boxelder Bugs May Cause Now for some good news: as far as actual pest-related damage goes, boxelder bugs barely rank. They tend to prefer gathering around tall structures, places with western or southern exposure, buildings that are painted white, or anywhere without much shade. Boxelders want to stay in the sun as long as possible, so they have the energy to look for more permanent accommodations.

Don’t worry, you’re not cursed (that we know of) your home probably just gets more sun than theirs does. You may have noticed that your home gets more boxelders than your neighbors’. Staying bunched together in a big, gross clump helps them stay warm, too.
Boxelder bugs windows#
The black-and-red buggers congregate on windows and light surfaces because they reflect more sunlight and consequently provide more warmth. They start feeling uncomfortable as soon the temperature starts dipping. Why Boxelder Bugs Gather Around Your Home Boxelders are even more sensitive to cold temperatures than most insects. Those groups of bugs grouped around your windows and doors are trying to make their way inside where they can sleep without fear of freezing. When fall comes around, however, boxelders get bold as they look for a warm place to stay. You just don’t see them because because they’re too busy feeding to come bother you. Boxelders are actually consistently present starting in mid-spring. Boxelder bugs hibernate over the winter, but they can’t do it unless they have somewhere safe and warm to sleep. Once they sense the temperature dropping, however, the fattened-up adult boxelders stop feeding and start looking for a place to wait out the winter. Over the summer, boxelders keep themselves busy feeding on their preferred food source, the seeds of acer trees like maple, ash, and boxelders. Here’s why boxelder bugs become so prevalent around this time of year, and how you can keep them from bugging you this fall-and next spring, too! Why Boxelder Bugs Get Active In The Fall Like many other insect-pests, a boxelder’s life cycle revolves around making sure they can survive the cold winter. You don’t have to stand by and welcome them onto (and into!) your home, however. If you haven’t seen boxelders around your windows, porch, or deck yet, you probably will soon. They don’t seem to do much except hang around, but that’s more than enough to be freaky and gross. They’re the little black and red bugs that swarm around windows and porches in huge numbers every fall. After mosquitoes, boxelder bugs are, unfortunately, probably the insect you’re the most familiar with.